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Rapid Arnis Blackbelt Clubs
If you would like to train in Rapid Arnis, see below for details of your nearest club.
Active Instructor list
Officially teaching the Rapid Arnis system
Pat O'Malley (8th deg)
Jon Broster (5th deg)
Louis Beale (5th deg)
Andrew Janson (5th deg)
Paul Murray (4th deg)
Iain Wallace (3rd deg)
Stephen Morris (3rd deg)
Carl Rein (3rd deg)
Kam Dhiman (3rd deg)
James Dismore (3rd deg)
Scott Marshall (2nd deg)
Richard Martin (2nd deg)
John Macdonald (2nd deg)
Lennart Wallgren (2nd deg)
Paul Starrs (2nd deg)
Jakub Turanyi (2nd deg)
Jon Hill
Tom McGrath
Ed Quartey
Niamh Conolly
David Capurro
Karen Fowler
Clinton Jones
Doug Tassell
Eric Cervel
James West
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